A feature-length documentary on the extraordinary life and visionary music of the American guitarist and singer Robbie Basho.
In his brief and troubled life he laid the foundations for radical changes to the musical landscape of America during the 1960s and 70s but reaped little more than a sparse (if fervent) following during his lifetime.
Voice of the Eagle: The Enigma of Robbie Basho is a journey into the heart of an artist's lifelong struggle - designed to illuminate and satiate existing fans while serving as a perfect starting point for the uninitiated.
Featuring interviews with Basho's former students, contemporaries and few close friends; the documentary will integrate new information and anecdotes on Basho with previously uncovered visual material, abstract employment of archive footage and photography of the natural phenomena and landscapes that informed his work.
With the resurgence of interest in Basho growing and a more widespread revival a tangible possibility, it is surely an auspicious time for his unique music and life story to be evoked through documentary.
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