The Transfiguration of Christopher Bruhn...this album has been drifting in the breeze like the cottonwood blossoms caught up in the jetstream of a rusty old' pickup truck athunderin' down the highway...just inches ahead of the hailstorm about to dump its load on the unsuspecting hitch hiker trying to get to a far off campsite in time to set up his tent and sit out the coming storm...good luck traveler!!! Cheers! Blind Brand X...
The Transfiguration of Christopher Bruhn...this album has been drifting in the breeze like the cottonwood blossoms caught up in the jetstream of a rusty old' pickup truck athunderin' down the highway...just inches ahead of the hailstorm about to dump its load on the unsuspecting hitch hiker trying to get to a far off campsite in time to set up his tent and sit out the coming storm...good luck traveler!!! Cheers! Blind Brand X...