
February 28, 2016

John Fahey plays Conley’s Nostalgia - A Fan Reminisces

It's always nice to hear from fans during Fahey Week, below is a memory and some great ticket stubs from a Fahey show right in my home town of Denver. I missed this show, I wasn't too hip to Fahey in 1986, too bad. I can sure appreciate saving the ticket stubs all these years, I have a collection of all mine. This show is listed in The John Fahey Handbook, Volume 2— on page 418, Appendix C. The year was 1986. What follows is Helen's recollection of that show.

I had not heard of John Fahey before I saw him play at Conley’s Nostalgia on this night in 1986. My friend and I sat right smack in front of the small platform that served as a stage, roughly four feet from John.
I never experienced live music in such a personal way before and I remember distinctly getting chills as he played In Christ There Is No East Or West and Sunflower River Blues.

There were only about 30 people in attendance that night. After the show, we went over to tell John how much we loved the show. I was so star struck that all I could manage to say was, “Wow that was really good!” as he shook my hand. He spoke with us for about 20 minutes or so…wish I could remember more of what we talked about.

I’ve always been a bit of an autograph hound so I was digging around in my purse for something for him to write on. The only thing I could come up with were the tickets from the show which you see here, and a business card from a barbeque place in Denver. He was such a good sport and signed all three for me, one after the other, as we spoke…he was so personable and charming. Another thing that impressed me is that he gave people his full attention when speaking with him.  John had a big energy…there was a presence about him…something I haven’t felt from many people. I count this night as one of the pinnacle experiences of my life. Let the music set you free.