
August 30, 2011

Banjo Bug : A Collaborative Compendium of Electrically Recorded Music and Sound Collage Improvisations

Hey folks!  I've just been given the green light on sharing this with y'all.  Andrew Stranglen, Charlie Schmidt and Mike Luckett get twangy and clangy on this effort and I highly recommend you check it out!  Oh, and there's more to it than banjos, whew!

Between the interval of the death of John Fahey and the tragic events of September 11th 2001, this rustic and highly limited edition Album was completed by me on September 9th of that year. With the help of longtime friend Michael Luckett, and separately with then new friend Charlie Schmidt, we plunged the depths of faheyana with guitars, Banjos, Tiples, and Electrified guitar. With Charlie, we were inside the Edgebrook Episcopal Church (Chicago), complete with a dusty wooden model of a seagoing ship hanging near the apex of the ceiling between nave and chancel. With Michael, we were in a 10 x 12 Screen hut set well away from the house and road, surrounded by deep mature woods, Oak and Hard Maple, in the midst of Crickets, Katydids and all manner of banjoey bugs, while distant trains punctuated the night with lonesome diesel throb.
It is my wish that y'all enjoy the Banjo Bug as much as I still do! -Andrew Stranglen

Download it HERE - all art included


  1. thanks, this is the stuff I am looking for! great!

  2. hey this recording is a hoot--great players relaxing and turning out some timeless Americana. thank you (and Andrew and Charlie and Mike)!

  3. Hiowdy y'all! Love this recording! Wish I could turn out a project with this much feeling and imagination!!! Cheers! Blind Brand X.
