
March 22, 2011

Thanks to You!

Hi folks,

I just want to say thanks so much for stopping by and reading the ol' Delta-Slider blog.  I've recently hit some good numbers, over 10,000 page views in a 30 day period, 300 feed subscriptions, 50 Google followers and I'm oh-so close to 100 email subscribers.  I know that in the wide world of the internet that is a pittance.  But for my little blog and the tiny little corner of music that it represents, well...I think it's just fine.

I enjoy this blog and I want to keep it that way.  I don't promise any sort of regular content nor can I promise regular posting every day or so.  It just flows where it goes and that is best for my sanity and for keeping it enjoyable.

Really the best part is getting to know all the great musicians that have been SO incredibly generous with their time and music.



  1. Hey buddy, thank YOU. You do a wonderful job, it's always a great read here and you've introduced me to some terrific music as well as digging up some obscure sounds from people I already loved. Like many of your blogs followers, I may not always say thank you, but I do think it!
    Keep it up for as long as you enjoy it and
    you're sure to touch a lot more people.

  2. Let's hear it for a great site, thanks for all you do! CS

  3. Yes, totally agree with anonymous1!
    You're blog is a gem and I'm so glad it's existing. Thank YOU!

  4. No! Thank YOU for your ongoing support!

    Yair Yona

  5. Great blog, congrats... keep it up!
