
May 10, 2010

Ragtime Ralph Invades YouTube!

That is all.


  1. Hiowdy y'all...Blind Brand X buddy Mitch the tugboat skipper had his cell phone with him and caught me pickin' on duty! Wind in the mic obscures the sound a bit, but it's live on arrival baby! Cheers! Blind Brand X

  2. Hiowdy y'all! The first song "Fonotone Stomp" will be on my next CD "Ode To Joe"...I'm readying 15 songs (all "originals") in honor of Joe Bussard..."Mr. Fonotone" himself! Should be a fun project! I spoke to Oliver Conway (of Aero Recording Studios) today and we have a tentative date in early June to start the recordings. Cheers! Blind Brand X and Dixie X.

  3. Great !!!...
    is your Regal resonator now totally fixed ?...
    I really do enjoy your guitar playing,which is soulful ..
    let us know about these future recordings !
    Greetings from France !
    Ratapignata('34 Regal resonator Rookie player )

  4. Hiowdy to anonymous in France! I've not done any work on my Regal (Dixie X) except putting a tiny piece of a toothpick in the G string nut slot, which helped aleviate an annoying buzz on the G string, other than that I've not really needed to mess around and change anything...if it ain't broke, I won't fix it! I'm kinda uh... superstitious that way! (I also won't pick up playing cards that are laying face down on the
    sidewalk, and I certainly won't open a tin can if it's upsidedown...old mariners superstitions!)
    Cheers! Blind Brand X and Dixie X.

  5. Hiowdy Blind Brand X ! I could read in your interview that Dixie X needed a bit of work , so I was worried by this last wintertime about the health of this respectable old Lady ..but now ,I'm not worried any more..
    I had to change the spider bridge of my Regal , and I made a new one in a piece of olive tree ...
    I'm a mariner , too.but on the mediterranean sea.. and in my superstition bag , I've not found this tin can stuff ... but I will take care of it , now ! Thanks !!!


  6. Ratapignata...Hiowdy! old time mariners (at least on the Pacific) opening a can of say, condenced milk upside down is the equivalent of a ship capsizing...if a can is missing its label it will be thrown overboard...
    about the playing cards on the one wants to turn over an ace of spades or the queen of spades...both are figuratively death cards...
    oooh, aren't we mariners a superstitious lot? Cheers! Blind Brand X.

  7. yep ! sure we are , Man !...

  8. Ralph;
    Rag On! Thanks for telling me about this site.
